INNIT Musical Promotion (2023)
I worked closely with actor, artist and musician Micky Dacks to create all the promotional material for INNIT Musical, which played at The Lowry in September 2023. This included posters (both print and digital), billboards, screen displays, banners, bus advertisements, social media posts and the 32 page programme.

AKT National Print Advertisements (2020)
During the initial lockdowns of 2020, it was important for akt to communicate that it was still able to offer a service to vulnerable young LGBTQ+ people. These full-page print ads appeared in national LGBT titles 'Attitude' and 'Gay Times'.

New Platform Art - A Proposal Document (2023)
A proposal document designed for New Platform Art pitching an exhibition comprising a series of artwork presented in various forms.

Contact Theatre Production Flyers & Billboard
I have produced a large range of posters, flyers, brochures and billboards for Contact in Manchester. Below is a small selection of that work.